I think that the recent events in our lives really brings this quote to light in so many ways! Raising kids is both a noble and a scary calling! My patience has been tried more than ever this year, my time tugged at, and the order in our home hanging by a thread! As a mother, along with many other roles I play, I seem to have a hundred thoughts going on in my head at one given time, so multi-tasking is something that is both a weakness and a strength- a curse and a blessing. I don't think I'm the only mother that snatches a toy or an item from a fighting child and in the heat of emotions, hides it somewhere, only to forget by the next day where the heck they hid it and finds it a month later- or never.
I can't tell you how many times I should have hit or been hit by another car because of dealing with distractions with kids in the car! I know for a fact that God has "Mother Angels" on traffic duty at all times. Then there are the times when I have so much on my mind that I am guilty of making all the right gestures that I am listening to my child, but couldn't repeat hardly one thing they told me. Sometimes early morning and going to bathroom is the only peace and quiet that can be found. I shouldn't tell you about the time that I had to go pee so bad (because of so many things that needed to get done first), that I accidentally peed on the toilet seat because as I was taking down my pants, I was hollering at a child! Yes, parenthood is a scary hood, but I would not trade it for the world! The recent events in the world have also reminded me that I am raising God's warriors. Every moment, every day is a step in the process to helping them build their armor, the armor that they need to stand on God's side in the battles of the last days. And because it's a process, I have to trust the process, find joy in the process, and be patient in the process! As I cling to God each day, He will guide me and He will guide you through this beautiful thing called PARENTHOOD.
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I'm Alicia Banta
Christian. Mom. Wife. Writer. Lover of life. Archives
January 2021