I have known for many years the importance of visualizing goals and desires--and not just seeing something in our minds, but feeling the emotions as well. Visualizing=Emotions Emotions=Results I have seen this equation work in my life many times. We are truly the masters of our fates, the artists of our masterpieces. ![]() The problem is, is that many times we go through our lives painting a picture, not even aware of what we are painting. However, when we live our lives intentionally, being aware of our thoughts, our feelings, and our desires, then we can try harder to think thoughts, feel emotions, and take certain actions that are in line with the picture that we are trying to paint. To live intentionally is to carefully paint each stroke of your life. Will our pictures turn out exactly the way we planned? Almost never! But, if we involve God, they can turn out even better. If we let him guide our strokes, He can do more with our masterpiece than we ever can. Recently, I became aware of some emotional challenges that I have been hanging on to. We've always been taught to give our problems to the Savior and cast our burdens at His feet, but how do we really do that, and how do we know if we are doing that? I have been more determined than ever to cast my burdens at the Savior's feet. I have come to realize that by trying to control a situation and outcome, I block blessings that He is willing to grant. If I can begin the process of truly letting go, then He can show me how to heal and move beyond my struggles. I began experimenting with a couple different scenes in my mind where I am in the presence of Jesus Christ letting him take my burdens. As I go through this meditation process, I feel the intense love He has for me, His willingness to take my burdens, and I feel a great sense of letting go. These emotions are powerful, and even for a moment, I feel free. By continuing this exercise on a daily basis, I know in my heart, I am getting closer to truly letting go and closer to healing. It may take time, but little by little, I am learning to let the Savior guide me and heal me. Jesus Christ can truly make more out of our lives than we can ever hope to on our own. See Him in your mind, Feel His Power, and let Him take your burdens.
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I'm Alicia Banta
Christian. Mom. Wife. Writer. Lover of life. Archives
January 2021