The battle between Fear and Faith is possibly one of the biggest battles we all face, and while it is a blessing to live in the day of technology and information, it can be challenging as our minds are constantly bombarded with the news, media, information, and articles that cause us fear. With so much information, we struggle to know what is true and what is not. Even science and books have caused much fear in people. I love the song Forward with Faith by Jon Schmidt and Roger Hoffman. It says "And when the mists arise to blind my eyes, then the truth shines upon me and I see fear is a lie.” We know that Satan is the master of lies and the author of fear. He loves it when we are afraid, and he is so cunning that he can make a lie and a fear look very convincing and real. We easily adopt fears as part of our reality. We believe any article we read, any doctor's diagnosis, and any science theory. We are so easily influenced; we live in a society where people are actually afraid of the sunlight and eating carbohydrates. But the list doesn't stop there. Our lives are packed full of fears that hold us back from doing great things and becoming great. And every time we buy into information that causes us fear, whether from a friend or a scientist, we give a little bit of power to Satan and to negative energy. "And he beheld Satan; and he had a great chain in his hand, and it veiled the whole face of the earth with darkness; and he looked up and laughed, and his angels rejoiced" (Moses 7:26). When Satan can get us to choose fear over faith, he gains power in our lives. We lose our power and ability to rise above the natural man and live the kind of life and be the kind of person God wants us to be. When we can really grasp the concept that we are the creators of our own destiny and reality, we can see our relationship with God differently. Instead of Him choosing our trials and challenges for us, we learn that God lovingly allows us to choose our own trials and challenges according to our subconscious thoughts, beliefs, perceptions and FEARS. He lovingly stands by us and strengthens us, and as we call on his name and power to overcome and heal, He paints rainbows among the clouds in our lives. He wants us to have health, success, prosperity, and all the above. But, we must learn to master our thoughts and creative powers. If we desire, ask, and believe, he will deliver. It is our own fear and doubts that hold us back. We must see God as a loving Father by our side helping us as we try to create positive realities. God is not a controlling God, but rather a God of agency, love, and blessings. We create positive realities by our thoughts. We must realize that we are powerful beyond measure and that we can create change; we are not at the mercy of chance, facts, diagnosis's, and other people's realities. By our thoughts, actions, energy, and love, we can create changes in our own lives as well as those within our circle of influence. We struggle to adopt this idea that we are powerful beyond measure because in every direction, Satan is throwing us reasons why we are not and weighing us down with Fears. We can combat fear with faith, faith that God is on our side, faith that angels are on our side, and that if we believe, we can stand powerful against fear. The very emotion and energy of fear can cause physical changes within our bodies. There is truly a connection. If a person is obsessively afraid of germs, their body's reaction to germs will likely be weak. That person has convinced their mind to react to germs by getting sick. If a person has a fear of eating sweets and feels extremely guilty upon eating sweets, her/his body will metabolize the fats and sugars differently than a person who is not afraid to eat a couple of cookies. Our fears can also affect things going on outside of us as well, because our energy is projected further than just our minds and bodies. You may be beginning to see how fear can be a lie...that is until you embrace a certain fear. If you embrace a fear as true and let that fear work within you, you will most likely make that fear true...for you. In the LDS General Conference, Rosemary Wixom said, "What I focus on expands inside of me." We can add to that-- what I focus on expands inside of me and outside of me. What we choose to focus our thoughts on will affect our realities, and when we focus on fears, we naturally create negative emotions and energy in our lives and cause resistance to the way life could be flowing. One of my favorite scriptures is 2 Timothy 1:7. "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." May we remember that we are creating our own destinies one choice, one thought, one belief at a time, and remember the famous words of Gordon B. Hinckley, “Your future is as bright as your faith.”
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I'm Alicia Banta
Christian. Mom. Wife. Writer. Lover of life. Archives
January 2021